Warning: Undefined variable $cls_cfg in /home/blietuvvauj9/domains/zw2/sis/cnt.php on line 494

Warning: Attempt to read property "ruri" on null in /home/blietuvvauj9/domains/zw2/sis/cnt.php on line 494

Warning: Undefined variable $cls_cfg in /home/blietuvvauj9/domains/zw2/sis/cnt.php on line 494

Warning: Attempt to read property "ruri" on null in /home/blietuvvauj9/domains/zw2/sis/cnt.php on line 494

Warning: Undefined variable $cls_cfg in /home/blietuvvauj9/domains/zw2/sis/cnt.php on line 494

Warning: Attempt to read property "ruri" on null in /home/blietuvvauj9/domains/zw2/sis/cnt.php on line 494

Warning: Undefined variable $cls_cfg in /home/blietuvvauj9/domains/zw2/sis/cnt.php on line 494

Warning: Attempt to read property "ruri" on null in /home/blietuvvauj9/domains/zw2/sis/cnt.php on line 494
[draft] ZihWeb Developers Guide | ZihWeb Development

Warning: Undefined variable $cls_cfg in /home/blietuvvauj9/domains/zw2/sis/cnt.php on line 494

Warning: Attempt to read property "ruri" on null in /home/blietuvvauj9/domains/zw2/sis/cnt.php on line 494

Warning: Undefined variable $cls_cfg in /home/blietuvvauj9/domains/zw2/sis/cnt.php on line 494

Warning: Attempt to read property "ruri" on null in /home/blietuvvauj9/domains/zw2/sis/cnt.php on line 494

API Documentation ZihWeb CMS

This are the introductory basics for ZihWeb CMS editors, developers received and share a copy of a visual which is a template for develop and design functions for the Content Management System like extensions and new template functions.

ZihWeb API Basics



General system bootstrap class

$zihweb = new ZihWebCMS();

Config class

Manages the site configurations and parameters.

$cls_cfg = new Config();

Configuration array

Config::gcfg['option string'];

Content class

Manages the content of the pages sectiones and extensions.

$cls_cnt = new Content();



Header fuction: and variables for generates keywords and main metatags also includes the js.zw and css.zw

echo getHead();

HTML5 Markup



please take a look to

@import: url('http://www.zihweb.com/lib/css.zw');


ZihWeb API Technologies



Markup glosary for ZihWeb CMS

IMPORTANT: Los códigos entre corchetes [ ] no llevan espacios ni caracteres especiales.


[yyyy ]  Año actual 2024

[contactform ] Formulario de contacto, este tambien puede configurarse desde visualform.php

[plusone ] Compartir en Google+ [plusone]

[fblike ] Compartir Like / Recommend en Facebook [fblike]

[tweet ] Twittear la pagina



Available language list: [id] text in lang id[/id]

[es ]estamos de regreso[ /es] [en ]we are coming again[ /en] [de ]wir kommen wieder[ /de] [fr ]nous venons à nouveau[ /fr] [it ]ci stiamo avvicinando di nuovo[ /it] [ja ]我々は再び来ている[ /ja][zh ]我们再来[ /zh]

estamos de regreso


[ slide] directorio | ancho x alto | identificador [/slide ]

[slide ]img_galeria|100x100|slide-id[ /slide]

Comments Ranks.png Extensions.png General Settings.png Maps.png Newsletter.png Pages.png Slides Pics.png Users Groups.png

Galleries or thumbnails

[ gal] directorio | ancho x alto | tamaño de imagen enlazada [ /gal]

[gal ]img_galeria|100x100|n[ /gal]

Image Sizeing

o : Tamaño original del archivo

n : Tamaño de visualizacion estandar 800 x 600px maximo

t : Tamaño miniatura 100 x 100px

ancho x alto : ancho x alto en pixeles

QR Codes

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